Healing, Self-Confidence and Protection
How is Energy Healing Tools energized?
Over the last 19 years we have developed a "Proprietary Technique" of "Quantum Technologies" using a "Quantum Pattern" of "Active Information" that goes to any "Shape", "Size", or "Design". Essentially we have stored in our computerized energy system, each of the 12 Higher Harmonics on energy information files, so each file contains one of the 12 higher harmonics. We then take a special digital photograph of each pendant and we feed that into our computer. Each of these photos has a numeric sequence of say 010101….
We then choose which of the energy information files we want to use and then we down load these files onto the numeric sequence. Then using scalar waves, (“scalar” a no frequency information carrying wave which opens doors to higher states of consciousness) we then piggyback this energy on the scalar, as it is a carrying wave, and send it out via the quantum. Whatever has the same digital sequence of 010101 will get the energy. It has to. And scalar lives outside of time and space, so if you were on the moon 20 from now you would still get the upgrade!
¾” Flower of Life Pendant
3 Carat Quartz Crystal
small Connector
Fine Parisian 18” or 24" Necklace
Wear the Flower of Life and clear Quartz also known as the Power Stone, and feel enveloped in an energetic cocoon of self-esteem and personal power. Power is the ability to act. The Clear Quartz crystal is said to be the master healer and to provide protection from all negative energies including negative energies from others. Feel grounded with this classic combination knowing that you're connected and protected.