Gems used in Solar Forms & Radiators Vajras and Maitreya Solar Crosses Gem Essences

Posted by Tony Ho on

Gem Essences

Gems used in  Solar Forms & Radiators:

There are certain gemstones that can be set as center stones in Buddha Maitreya's Shambhala Solar Forms: Topaz comes as standard - Clear Quartz, Sapphire, and Diamond are also available. The center stone helps to synthesize the Rays to the center, and it is amplified by the surrounding crystals. This allows the Rays to be transformed, facilitating the releasing of energy blocked between the glands and chakras and increasing the 3 Monadic rays or Aspects of God – the 1st Ray of the Will of God, the 2nd Ray of Loving Wisdom, and the 3rd Ray of Creative Active Intelligence.


Topaz, a beautiful electric blue, represents the heart center and combines indigo with pure white light (the quality of spiritual Will), creating a blend which is the energy of loving wisdom (esoterically, this is known as the 'Second Ray' in the 7 Rays of God). It aligns to the brow center - the light blue is a soft way of helping the mind release from lower energies of doubt and concrete thinking. It helps increase receptivity to higher understanding, intuition, and revelation.

Clear Quartz

Similar in appearance to the pure white light of the Diamond with less intensity.


The deep blue Sapphire is very attuned to the heart center and healing.


The Diamond electrifies light, amplifying the photon light within the surrounding quartz crystals and magnifying the carbon element, and we are carbon units. This is the highest force of light, and it aligns the crown center to the Soul. The Diamond is an alignment to Shambhala (the Planetary Logos) and an attunement to selfless service. It helps to protect all virtues and strengthens one's will with God the Father.


Additional Gemstones are available as outer stones   Shambhala Form Radiator:


The violet amethyst is an all-purpose spiritual essence. It helps to clear the etheric (energetic) field clear of debris and toxicity. It enhances well-being and eases low self-esteem, insomnia, and a sense of lack of fulfillment. It stimulates intuition, meditation, sound, color, and music therapy.


The Emerald decrystallizes the concrete mind and aligns the brow center to the Soul, furthering receptivity to truth and revelation. It helps to move the 5th ray up to the brow where it should sit in a healthy, selfless individual, and it helps relationships relate and helps to establish trust and breaks up lower delusions about people.


The Ruby balances the physical body and soothes the nervous system. In particular, it balances the solar plexus, helping it to align to the Soul. It assists the aura to be free-flowing and not astral or emotional. Ruby can not be used as a center stone.


Gems used in Vajras and Maitreya Solar Crosses:


Restores happiness, contentment, and inner joy. Spiritualizes higher mind and head centers. Activates an altruistic and passive nature. As a thought amplifier, it creates a realization of the spiritual understanding.


An all-purpose spiritual essence. It keeps our bodies clear of debris and toxicity of the Etheric Field. When combined with other gemstones, it is conducive for the right-relationship and order. Wellbeing. Eases low self-esteem, insomnia, and a sense of unfulfillment. Stimulates intuition, meditation, sound, color, and music therapy.

Lapus Lazuli

Lightens emotional body. Releases energy blockages and potential. Stimulates self-healing and magnetic/pranic healing abilities.


Gives the ability to assist in how people accept self-healing. It continues to reinforce the energy of healing after a therapeutic session. It gives the enhanced ability to understand one path in life and the purpose behind health difficulties. Can stimulate self-realization.


Balances the physical body. It soothes the nervous system and balances the solar plexus. Assists the aura to be free-flowing and not astral.


Awakens inspiration. Assists connection with own truth. Stimulates throat chakra & creative active intelligence. Strengthens alignment between the throat center and the sacral center.

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